• +46 (0)371-847 00

Precision och Analysvågar

Analys våg ABJ-80NM

Automatisk intern justering vid temperaturförändring > 2°C och tidsstyrd var 4:e timme vilket garanterar hög noggrannhet.

Vi har mängder med olika analysvågar, kontakta oss om ni vill ha en analysvåg med specifika funktioner eller vikt skalor. 

Just ABJ-80NM vågen är en favorit i labbet och kan fås kalibrerad samt justerad för endast 12 200kr.

Kontakta oss så hjälper vi dig:

  • Only ABJ-NM: Automatic internal adjustment in the case of a temperature change > 2 °C and time-controlled every 4 hours, guarantees high degree of accuracy and makes the balance independent of its location of use 
  • Only ABS-N: Adjusting program CAL for quick setting of the balance accuracy using an  
  • ACS: identical in construction to ABS, ACJ: identical in construction to ABJ, but with integrated RS-232 and USB  as standard 
  • Dosage aid controlled through the display 
  • Simple recipe weighing and documenting with a combined tare/print function. In addition, the ingredients for the recipe are numbered automatically and printed out with their corresponding number and nominal weight 
  • Identification number: 4 digits, printed on calibration protocol freely programmable 
  • Automatic data output to the PC/printer each time the balance has obtained a stable weighing result 
  • ABJ-NM has OIML  
Single-cell advanced technology
  • Fully automatic manufactured weighing cell from one piece of material 
  • Stable temperature behaviour 
  • Short stabilisation time: Steady weight values within approx. 3 sec under laboratory conditions 
  • Shock proof construction 
  • High corner load performance[/]Protective working cover included with delivery

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