Upgrade your tensile tester
The alternative to buying a new tensile tester can be to modernize / upgrade the existing one.
Are you working today with an older MTS, Zwick, Instron, UTS, Schenck, Alwetron etc. and are you considering investing in new equipment for material testing? Before you decide on a costly new investment, you should let us make an assessment of your existing equipment to determine if an upgrade can be an option.
The development has been very fast in recent decades. We have seen fantastic advances in electronics, processor technology, computing, analytics and presentation. New technology, which despite increased complexity, dramatically improved productivity and accuracy in various test systems and equipment.
To be able to take advantage of the new technology, you can consider replacing old equipment with brand new. Of course, a completely new test equipment can often be both necessary and economical to achieve the desired measurement results in the best way. Sometimes, however, a simpler upgrade of existing equipment can provide the same benefits at a much lower cost. ICS AB can offer this with new hardware and software from MTS Systems.
Such an upgrade means that an existing system gets new control electronics and, if necessary, a new engine. The equipment also gets modern standardized software in a Windows environment that in a user-friendly way makes it easy to present and make measurement results available. In addition, the system also has built-in calibration functions.
On the other hand, you keep mechanics that in several cases can be just as good and lavish as if you were buying new, as well as clamps, fixtures and other accessories that can be very expensive to replace. Maybe there is a large set of custom-made fixtures for your own products?
Contact us and we will tell you more.